Thursday, 17 March 2016

Indigenous culture

When looking into the Indigenous culture, I began to look in depth into the particular aspects I could use to develop a solid concept and an eventual final piece relating to my beginning concept of 're-connection.' 

I started my exploring the colourful culture by visiting the Plymouth museum's exhibition on Indigenous tribes. I found that a lot of the clothing, jewelry and Indigenous art have very strong visual elements of line and vibrant colours.

This helped me to develop the aspect of my concept I would be looking at further after I had decided that I would take the ideas of strong line and colour and use it to find my next development idea.

After thinking, my ideas for a final piece are to create a 2D based piece on canvas roughly 30x30 cm or 60x60 cm in the form of drawing, painting or print and will incorporate the ideas of portrait and abstract art. I have decided that I will be focusing heavily on the use of line, colour and pattern which will lead me on to the artists that I will be looking at next. Nancy Wood, Leif Podhajsky and Robert Beatty being a few in mind with vibrant colours and intricate patterns of both unpredictable and psychedelic nature.

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