Sunday, 1 May 2016

Final piece proposal

Final piece proposal

For my final piece, I will be creating three different canvas paintings incorporating realistic portraits of Indigenous cultures and abstract and vibrant but earthy and natural themed fluid painting. The colours I will be using for the fluid painting are colours that have Indigenous meaning. For example, I researched just what different colours symbolized in Native American culture in war paints. The pieces will range in different sizes. I will have one canvas that will be roughly 60x60cm and two others that will be roughly 30x30cm.

The main concept I will be reflecting in my pieces is the re-connection between humanity and nature, which is why I will be using organic looking paints for the fluid painting technique.

The main artists that have influenced me so far are Nancy Wood, Leif Podhajsky and Jason Liosatos, the artist whose gallery I visited in Totnes. I will be using second hand imagery for the references of my Indigenous portraits, after understanding that it would be fairly difficult to find a model of the requirements needed for my models as it is a fairly sensitive subject and a bit too inappropriate to ask of someone.

To determine whether my final pieces will be successful, I will be looking at how well they reflect my concept and also on how realistic the portraits are and how surreal the fluid painting is. The fluid painting is a fairly unpredictable technique to use, the colour being the only control I have over the technique, but I will judge its success by how it reflects the concept. - Colours of paint for fluid painting. 

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