Sunday, 1 May 2016

The mayflower steps

Mayflower steps



To gain some perspective of the political, historical and social aspects of my concept, I decided to visit the mayflower steps, an opportunity that many other people wouldn't get to take advantage of if they were doing a similar project to me, seeing as I actually live in the historical location of where the pilgrims set off to travel to America nearly four hundred years ago.

Political - The decision made by Great British Empire at the time to travel to a foreign land to colonize, causing the mass destruction of a whole Indigenous society of native american Indians and also nearly driving the American Bison, the native american's main source of meat and fur, to extinction.

Historical - The event is a massive part of not only American but British history, as it lead on to other events such as the celebration of American independence on the fourth of July from the British Empire. It marks the start of America as a country, and the start of the decline                                                    in Native American Indian population.

                                                 Social - The even brought on many social matters, many being the                                                           way we regard different cultures in our society. The event brought on                                                     the celebration of thanks giving, which celebrates the Indians and the                                                     pilgrims coming together to form a friendship almost. This changed                                                     the way we looked at other cultures, especially in a time when we were                                                 so blind to them and only invaded countries to conquer. I think that to                                                  this day, we still can relate to that moment in time and we are still                                                          exploring other cultures so different to our own, like I am doing for my                                                   project.   

                                                Cultural - The mayflower steps reflects a symbolic moment in time                                                       when two cultures cam together to help one another and forgive after so                                                  much death and destruction. I feel like it has still impacted both our                                                         culture and the Indigenous culture of the Native American Indians.  

To me, The mayflower steps show the re-connection between two cultures and our own morality after causing so much death just to conquer a foreign land in the name of a country the Americans derived from. I will be using the Native American Indian cultural within my final pieces and will explore what to use and why.

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